Virtual Assistance: Defined
Get Organized
Skip tracing prices and fees
1-100 leads @.60 per lead
no fees added
200 leads @.25 per lead plus fees is $125
300 leads @.45 per lead plus fees is $210
400 leads @.55 per lead plus fees is $ 295
500 leads @.65 per lead plus fees is $435
*all fees included in prices listed above, for final cost*
OVER 500 leads @ $0.85 per lead
*plus fees listed above added*
**You can provide your own leads to be skip traced**
Or we can provide the leads at $0.25 extra per lead
Setup fee- $35
​​**Automatically Added**
Setup Fee will include:
Organizing/Maintaining Google Sheets, uploading to Text-Blast system, uploading to dialer, gathering information/notes to close deal, setting appointments. Entering information into any CRM or system the client may have for appointments.
20 hr a week of calling for $10/hr
make notes on google sheets, get email, and set appointment for client.
1st Option:
$30/week, 2 weeks of text
6 days a week
for 18hr each week
2nd Option:
$120 for a month (4 weeks)
6 days each week
for 20hr a week
To add a text blast to sellers for the client and maintain responses, notes added to Google sheets. So client can contact interested sellers to close the deal.
**Benefit Can Be Added**​​
**All Fees must be paid before services are Rendered**
** We can Also provide appointment setting and Lead Generation to Clients In Any Industry, Call for Special Pricing**